Friday, February 19, 2010
Quick update
Sunday, December 27, 2009
The building of our fence
We made a quick trip to Bunnings to buy some last minute supplies - like the circular saw.
We were underway with construction by 10am.
After measuring the boards which were supposed to be 90mm wide, they were more like 94mm wide, so we decided to keep the board + gap at 100mm, so our gap reduced from 10mm to 6mm.
We also measured down from our finished height to determine where the first board should start.
Just by chance we discovered that the rod of the Stanley screwdrivers were 6mm, so with 3 screwdrivers as our spacers (plus a 6mm drill bit) the boys assembled the first few boards.
Because the boards were 4.8m long, and the front portion of the fence was just under 4.8m long it made it quick work for the main section - just a matter of picking over the boards for the best looking ones (no knot holes, no cracks or splits).
When the boys were one board from the top they sawed off the posts level so that they wouldn't be seen from the front. The circular saw was just short of going right through the posts (185mm blade?) so it was finished with the hack saw.
Here is the front portion finished.
Australia was doing well in the cricket, we'd had our lunch break - even if it was almost 2pm, so then it was on to the alcove part, which required the cleat to be dynabolted to the bricks - with the cleat needing a notch out of it for the tap on the backyard side of the house.
So at stumps on day 1, we had the front section complete, with 3 boards high in the alcove.
And here is the view out the double sliding doors in our dining area. From inside the yard looks quite small (which it really is - approx 10m from new fence to back boundary fence and approx 8m from house to boundary fence) but it seems a lot bigger when you are standing outside.
Sunday 27th December, another 3 hours of measuring, cutting and screwing meant our fence was complete.
This is the view from the backyard.
View from the front.
So now we will wait approx 3-4 weeks before cleaning and staining with a Merbau stain. We purchased Intergrain Merbau stain which is waterbased, and according to the man at Bunnings, the waterbased stains outlast the oil based ones 2 to 1 - meaning the stain we will be putting on should last about 2 years before reapplication is necessary instead of 12 months. I also like the sample a lot more than the Cabots stain - which seemed too solid to me, whereas the Intergrain showed the grain in the timber.
Lots more planting to do - mostly natives including grevillea, banksia, possibly kangaroo paw and some lomandra in the backyard. Trying to keep it simple, low maintenance, low water and similar colours (purples, yellows and white) but aiming to have a pretty garden in 12 months - 2 years time.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Around the Ground
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Some more photos

Thursday, January 8, 2009
Sitting Room

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Wow, it has been a long time since posting!
The time has just FLOWN since moving in, yet at the same time it feels like we have been here forever - which is probably a good sign that we have settled in.
The inside is complete - or as complete as it's going to get. All boxes are unpacked and everything is put away.
The outside is almost the same as the day we moved in! We have had the concrete done for the path to the front door and driveway. We are really happy with how it has come up.
We still have no fences - owner of the adjoining block has not responded (since before we moved in!) so we will look at taking things further in the next few months because enough is enough.
We would also like to get an excavator in and take the top 10cm of soil off to get rid of all the building crud leftover from the builders, eg. broken bits of bricks, roof tiles, concrete, plaster, nails, etc, etc. We have had a quote of approx $600 for the excavation, skip and removal, but we will need to investigate further because we only want to pay about 1/2 that. Especially since we will also need to buy in top soil to fill back in.
When we have fences and the soil is good then we will consider planting out our garden. I have rough plans and a good idea about what I would like as far as design and plants.
Until then we have our lonely little cycad at the front door... and the multitude of weeds that continually pop up after the slightest hint of rain.
I will consider what I have not shown and post some current pics of our house soon - complete with furniture!
Monday, May 12, 2008
3 Days Til Settlement - 5 Til The Big Move!
The good news or the bad news? Ok, bad first so we can end on a positive note.
Our carpet layers - the wonderful Western Distributers is fully booked until next Wednesday! This means we will be moving in with no carpet. No big deal, we will just sleep in the family room until the carpets are in so that we don't have to assemble then dis-assembling then re-assemble the bed frame. A few nights on the mattress on the floor won't hurt us and with a bit of luck we will be that exhausted that we won't care! Another possible bad thing could be the fact that we only received the final invoice today - which we can lodge with the bank first thing tomorrow but I hope that is enough time! Please, please, please!
And somewhat bad news is that our Site Manager/Supervisor has left Metricon for a smaller local builder after 9 years service. We wish him all the best at his new job and thank him for his patience and help over the last 6 months or so. We will have handover with a replacement SM.
Now for the good news - we have the certificate of occupancy - despite being rejected last week for cracked roof tiles (rolls eyes at them), so it is all green lights for Thursday's handover.
We contacted a local blind company and they quoted the whole house - windows in hollands, sliding doors in verticals - for $1580. We were so wrapped with this quote! I met with the guy today at the house and he quickly double checked the measurements while I pondered over the colour selection and finally come to the conclusion that the best colour was "pewter" which is not the colour that the name suggests but was closest to the wall colour in a complimentary tone. The blinds will be installed Friday - how's that for service!
We have sent off our fencing quotes to the relevant neighbours but are yet to hear back - so it is just as well we will be moving in with blinds on the windows... is a bit of privacy too much to ask?
Oh, and the moving van is booked for first thing Saturday so we better get cracking with the last of the packing (he, he, that rhymes!).