Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Wow, it has been a long time since posting!

Well, for those still following, we are still alive!
The time has just FLOWN since moving in, yet at the same time it feels like we have been here forever - which is probably a good sign that we have settled in.
The inside is complete - or as complete as it's going to get. All boxes are unpacked and everything is put away.
The outside is almost the same as the day we moved in! We have had the concrete done for the path to the front door and driveway. We are really happy with how it has come up.
We still have no fences - owner of the adjoining block has not responded (since before we moved in!) so we will look at taking things further in the next few months because enough is enough.
We would also like to get an excavator in and take the top 10cm of soil off to get rid of all the building crud leftover from the builders, eg. broken bits of bricks, roof tiles, concrete, plaster, nails, etc, etc. We have had a quote of approx $600 for the excavation, skip and removal, but we will need to investigate further because we only want to pay about 1/2 that. Especially since we will also need to buy in top soil to fill back in.
When we have fences and the soil is good then we will consider planting out our garden. I have rough plans and a good idea about what I would like as far as design and plants.
Until then we have our lonely little cycad at the front door... and the multitude of weeds that continually pop up after the slightest hint of rain.
I will consider what I have not shown and post some current pics of our house soon - complete with furniture!