With our house start date of yesterday we were eagerly awaiting something to start. Wednesday evening I drove past to get some final "before" photos, and was surprised to see that the water tap and meter had been installed at the front of our block. We had something to see 2 days before anything was supposed to start. Thursday I again drove past and was very shocked to see that the excavators had been in and scraped our site ready for the slab! A day early. It was soooooo good to finally see where our house will go and we spent about 45 mins on Thursday evening (until after dark) walking on the scape site working out which room we would be standing in.
Friday we thought maybe we would get some of the boxes or something in preparation for the slab, but (insert cricket chirps) nothing. It all happened before it was supposed to and then nothing.
Friday we thought maybe we would get some of the boxes or something in preparation for the slab, but (insert cricket chirps) nothing. It all happened before it was supposed to and then nothing.

On a not so happy note - we have had people drive through the scrape site. It was the second thing we noticed (after the shock of seeing the dug out dirt). When we were there on Thursday night there were 2 cars that attempted to drive through our land and I think it was only for the fact that we were standing on the block that they drove around and went through the next block. One of the cars that had come through, came back again to go back the other way and decided to be smart and came really close to our boundary on the block next door and then cut through the back corner of our block - where unbeknowns to them (there are weeds covering it and it was dark) the sewerage/easement drain has sunk as the dirt from the development has settled, and as the wheel dropped into the hole there was a crunch as the underbody of the car hit the ground. We had to stop ourselves from laughing - but it serves them right for coming back!
We have sent off a letter to Vic Roads as we found out from the council that they own the land behind us, and it is a traffic issue. We have appealed that they put some sort of barrier at the end of the service road to prevent cars driving through. We'll see if anything eventuates from it.
Metricon have said that we should have temporary fencing up early next week so at least that should stop them driving on our block..jpg)
We have sent off a letter to Vic Roads as we found out from the council that they own the land behind us, and it is a traffic issue. We have appealed that they put some sort of barrier at the end of the service road to prevent cars driving through. We'll see if anything eventuates from it.
Metricon have said that we should have temporary fencing up early next week so at least that should stop them driving on our block.

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