Wednesday, November 28, 2007

She's a brick and it's building slowly....

YES! The brickies have finally started! We were phone this morning on the way around to our house (prior to work) when we were notified that the brickies were onsite. Sure enough, 2mins later when we arrived there were 2 guys out the back putting down the first row of bricks! We were in a hurry so we didn't get out, and we didn't want to be too nosey so we only drove by - so couldn't see the actual bricks.
May begged and pleaded for me to not go to the house before he got home, so I patiently waited and we went around at about 6:20pm. Here is what we found:

So we now have a bit over 1/2 of one wall... at this rate I wonder if they will be done by Christmas?
On the birck colour issue - I don't think they look bad, but they are definitely different to BOTH display walls and all the houses we saw. At least they seem to be doing a good job of blending the bricks so that the darker ones are spaced evenly.

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