Saturday, December 29, 2007
Our sidelights are not currently a highlight
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Build it up, build it up, build it high.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Lay it on me
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
She's a brick and it's building slowly....
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
But Wait... (we are)
We noticed tonight that some of the pallets at the rear of the house have been unwrapped and the bricks stacked next to the house - but we are unsure how long they have been like that as we have been mostly driving past without going to the back.
Hopefully we see some action tomorrow - "Wednesday", or at least find out what the heck the hold up is...
Fingers crossed for some bricklaying tomorrow... but showers are forecast :(
Thursday, November 15, 2007
The long awaited arrival!
Tuesday I drove past early (8am) to check them out in the daylight (and take some pics) and was a bit shocked to see that the majority of them seemed to be orange in colour (mixed with brown, but definitely orange tones).
I visited again after work, and was not convinced that they were the shade of brick we had chosen. I knicked 4 bricks out of 4 different pallets that seemed like a fairly overall representation of the colours of the bricks (as below)
After considering them and the photos we had taken at the Austral display (see below)

we decided to take the bricks to the Austral display not too far away. Despite the fading light, the bricks seemed to match fairly closely with the display wall. It was now a matter of the 2 display walls not matching.
I rang the CSC, left a message and mentioned that I didn't think that the bricks looked like the ones we had picked, as the ones we chose were mid browns with some sandy coloured lighter ones, but that the delivered bricks had mostly oranges. I got a message back saying that they had checked the paperwork and it indicates that the Cotham bricks were delivered (which we knew as it said so on the pallets), and that our site supervisor had been and looked at them and to his eye they looked like the right colours for the Cotham bricks. They had also contacted Austral to see that there was no mistake.
We knew that the response would probably be that each batch is different, and that they are the right brick. And sure enough it has been blamed on the plant moving, and them hitting a "different pocket" in the quarry which would account for the colour variation. It looks like we are not going to get any resolution, so we are trying to like them and have our fingers crossed that they look ok once they go up and are blended.
My gripe is that we have been waiting over 4 weeks for these bricks, as well as paying $1300 in upgrade for them, and now that they have arrived they don't match what we based our selections on. I don't want mostly orange bricks, I want brown bricks that maybe have a bit of orange in them. (Please look different laid... fingers crossed... breathe in, and out. In, and out).
Our bricking is scheduled to start Wednesday, and according to the Site Supervisor today, we have been allocated his best brickie, that is "not the fastest, but he's the best" and is very particular with blending - so hopefully he makes it look good... According to SS it may take 3 weeks to fully brick, but as soon as about half of the bricks are up we will have the electricals fitted, and once it's bricked the plasterers will be straight in to plaster internals. Hopefully it's plain sailing from here on.. (not holding breath).
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Raise the Roof!

Friday, October 19, 2007
More of "not much".
May sent a message to our CSC asking if we could have regular updates so that we are aware of what is happening or will be happening. In the reply it was stated that we are about to swap Site Manager's (now it will be after the roof is done). Also we were told that there is a wait on our bricks. Apparently Austral have moved their plant (or something like that) and our bricks (Cotham) will come out of the kiln on 12th November. We will then get them onsite some time after that.
We are disappointed that there will not be any real progress for the next 3-4 weeks, but are willing to wait for the bricks we really like (and paid extra for).
Looks like we can kiss goodbye any hopes of being done by the end of the year. I just really want to be moved in by the time school goes back next year!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Um, not much...
Matt saw a truck heading down towards our block on Thursday and got all excited, but when I checked Thursday night there was nothing new.
So, no guttereing or fascia, no roof tiles and no bricks.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Through the looking glass
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Rip rip woodchip

This is the view from the end of the court (the side of our house)

The view when standing in the entryway looking towards the rear of the house. To the left is the sitting room, to the right is the doorway to the master bedroom - with the WIR the small room you can see that backs onto the passage to the right. The doorway to the Linen/W.I.P/Garage is just behind the sitting room wall on the left. The doorway at the end of the passage leads to the dining (right), kitchen (left) and family (straight).
The first complaint we have with them (which I have to add, we haven't spoken to anyone about yet) is that we paid $750 to put in "Corinthian PMAD101SL" sidelights to match the front door - because we wanted translucent glass and we wanted it all to match.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007
It rained on our parade...
Tuesday - We were very excited to find that all the boxing had been done in preparation for the concrete to be poured. The guys must have worked at it pretty hard to have the whole thing boxed out in one day.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Something in the pipeworks....
When we went on Tuesday we had our power connected, so we thought that something should be happening soon.
Yesterday I went and I noticed the presence of concrete - they had put in the 5 concrete piers in readiness of the slab, and a blue swirl spray painted on the dirt that I have no idea what it means!
Well, after our regular check today, we have pipes. The backhoe thing was there finishing off moving the dirt, and all the pipes were sticking up - although I am a bit concerned about the one in the middle of our driveway...
I am a little concerned that the front of the house is too close to the footpath. It is supposed to be about 2.4m from the footpath to portico, but judging by the scrape and pipes etc, it looks like it will be about 1m! I sure hope they measured right!
There is still no portaloo so I hope it comes soon, or that the tradies have the ability to hold on!
Saturday, September 8, 2007
We finally have something to look at!
Friday we thought maybe we would get some of the boxes or something in preparation for the slab, but (insert cricket chirps) nothing. It all happened before it was supposed to and then nothing.

We have sent off a letter to Vic Roads as we found out from the council that they own the land behind us, and it is a traffic issue. We have appealed that they put some sort of barrier at the end of the service road to prevent cars driving through. We'll see if anything eventuates from it.
Metricon have said that we should have temporary fencing up early next week so at least that should stop them driving on our block.

Saturday, September 1, 2007
We have a date!

Thursday, August 16, 2007
We have approval!
We had a bit of an issue when the final drawings were forwarded to us, as these were the first plans that had the correct spa bath in our ensuite, and were the first electrical drawings that showed the heating and cooling. The spa (Signature Spa's Ovelle Deluxe) that was included in our upgrade was the "Harmony" which is a rectangular single spa, but we wanted an oval spa (to fit 2) and we also were keen to have the headrests either end. This meant that they had to be re-drawn, then the wording of the contract didn't specify between 2 oval baths, so we had to get clarification which it was that was being included, and then the drawings re-done again as the 2 oval spas are slightly different dimentions. So our final drawings had the right spa (finally) but by the time we received them they had already been signed and approved... with the tap on the near side on the left "corner" which is where someone would potentially be getting in which we thought was a bad idea. We asked for the tap to be moved to the opposite side of the bath (still on the left but at the back of the bath in the corner of the room). We were told that we couldn't change anything as they could not be re-drawn (yada yada) but after a couple of chats explaining that it was the first time we had sighted the bath (even though the tap was in that position all along - we just hadn't noticed) they have decided to swap it over to the back for us (YAY). This means that the mixer and the spout are being moved, and it will make it harder to turn the tap on, we still think it's a better idea than having the spout at the front.
As for the electricals, we get 5 evaporative cooling points in the house as part of the summer promo ($1500 instead of $4500) and for the first time got to see where these would be placed. There is one in the master, sitting, dining and family room, with the 5th in the doorway of the 2nd bedroom. We thought this is a silly place for it - 1 the bedrooms aren't overly big and 2 - the 3rd bedroom misses out (which will probably end up being Miss Emily's). We thought it would be a much better idea to have it located in the middle of the passage way so that the air can flow to both bedrooms. After we approached them about this they said that they don't determine the location of the heating and cooling points but that the supplier/installer has set locations for maximum effectiveness (yada yada) and they couldn't do anything about it. We got the suggestion that we could bring it up with our site super (when we get one) and ask if it could be changed - but seeing as we won't have anything in writing I don't like our chances...
Finance is being finalised this week, so all going well we may actually have something to look at in a couple of weeks (just need to wait for the ordering). YAY!
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Our Plan
Thought I'd better add our house plan.
Due to the shape of the land we had to delete the outdoor room. We also have a different ensuite to the one shown here, with the shower being where the first hand basin is, then the spa (the ensuite is longer and the bedroom shorter to accomodate). The basins are on the wall where the short WIR shelf is, and the toilet runs the other way from off the far end of the ensuite - with the WIR changed to an L shape... clear as mud, right?!